Patau's syndrome

Patau's syndrome, also known as Trisomy 13, is a rare but serious genetic condition. It begins to affect babies when they're in the womb, and will continue to cause health problems throughout their life.

In the UK, around 2 in every 10,000 births are affected by Patau’s syndrome.

What is Patau's syndrome?

When a baby is conceived (made), they inherit genetic material from both their parents. This genetic material is called a chromosome.

Humans normally have 23 pairs of chromosomes. In each pair, 1 of the chromosomes is inherited from the mother and 1 is inherited from the father.

If a baby has Patau's syndrome, they have inherited an extra copy of chromosome 13. This extra copy can be present in some or all of the baby's cells and can lead to health problems for the baby.

There are 3 different forms of Patau's syndrome:

Why does Patau's syndrome happen?

Most cases result from a random change in the egg or sperm in healthy parents. This change is not caused by anything the parents did before or during pregnancy.

Effects of Patau's syndrome on pregnancy

Effects of Patau's syndrome on babies

If your baby is affected by Patau's syndrome, it's likely they will have some health conditions. Exactly how your baby is affected will depend on the form of Patau's syndrome they have.

Living with Patau's syndrome

Each child is unique, and Patau’s syndrome will affect each child differently. Like all children they will have their own personalities, likes and dislikes, and things that make them who they are.

Babies with full form Patau's syndrome usually have a low birthweight and are considered "medically fragile". This means they are at high risk of infections and complications that require treatment in hospital. They may also:

  • have difficulty feeding and may need fed by a tube
  • have difficulty breathing and have apnoea (pauses in their breathing)

Despite their complex needs, children with Patau's syndrome can make progress with their development, although slowly.

Many children are reported to be able to communicate their needs, show awareness of surroundings, and some can sit and stand supported. There are also cases of older children attending school.

Feedback from many parents suggests that children with Patau's syndrome have a good quality of life and are valued members of the family.

Further information and support

You can find out more information about Patau’s syndrome, including stories from parents of a child with the syndrome, at SOFT UK (Support Organisation for Trisomy 13/ 18)