Mpox (monkeypox)

Mpox (monkeypox) is a rare viral infection.

The risk of getting mpox in Scotland currently remains low.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that 'monkeypox' should now be referred to as 'mpox'. The name change is to address concerns around stigmatising language associated with the disease. Learn more about the change in the press release from WHO.

Anyone can get mpox. However, currently most of the cases across Europe and the UK have been in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM).

You can get mpox through close personal contact with someone who has the infection, such as during sex.

Vaccination to help protect against mpox

Mpox is caused by a virus similar to the one that causes smallpox. So vaccines designed for smallpox are considered effective against mpox.

Read about vaccination to help protect against mpox

Symptoms of mpox

If you're infected with mpox, symptoms usually start 5 to 21 days later. The symptoms often get better by themselves over 2 to 4 weeks.

Symptoms of mpox can include:

  • a blistering rash that usually starts 1 to 5 days after other symptoms – the rash may start on the face or in the genital area and may spread to other parts of the body
  • inflammation of the rectum (proctitis) – for example pain or bleeding from your back passage
  • high temperature (fever)
  • headache
  • flu-like symptoms, including muscle and back aches, shivering and tiredness
  • swollen glands that feel like new lumps (in the neck, armpits or groin)

The skin lesions (pox) go through 4 phases:

  1. Flat spots
  2. Raised spots
  3. Blisters
  4. Healing by scabbing or crusting over

Mpox rash can sometimes be confused with other diseases that can look similar, like chickenpox. A diagnosis of mpox requires an assessment by a health professional and specific testing. 

How mpox is transmitted

Mpox is not transmitted very easily between people. However, you can get mpox from close contact with a person infected with mpox through:

  • touching blisters or scabs and having any skin contact (including sexual contact)
  • touching clothes, bedding, towels or personal items used by a person who has a mpox rash, blisters or scabs
  • coughs or sneezes from a person with mpox

How to reduce the risk of transmission

To reduce your risk of exposure to mpox you should:

  • avoid close contact, including sexual contact, with someone who is unwell and may have mpox
  • avoid touching the clothes, bedding or towels of a person who may have a mpox rash
  • avoid coughs and sneezes from a person who may have mpox
  • practice careful hand hygiene if visiting or caring for ill friends and relatives who may have mpox

Treating mpox 

Mpox is usually a mild illness. Most people recover in 2 to 4 weeks.

However, in some cases if a person is really unwell, they may require hospital treatment in a specialist unit.

What to do if you're worried you have mpox

Non-urgent advice: Phone your GP or sexual health clinic if:

You have symptoms of mpox and you identify as a gay, bisexual or other man who has sex with men (GBMSM).

Or, you have symptoms of mpox and regardless of your sexual orientation, in the last 21 days you've either:

  • been in contact with someone who has told you they think they have mpox or has had a positive test
  • had 1 or more new sexual partners
  • travelled to west or central Africa

Non-urgent advice: Phone a sexual health clinic if:

You have:

  • genital lesions (for example a blister or sore)
  • proctitis (for example inflammation, pain or bleeding from your back passage)

Find your local sexual health clinic

If your sexual health clinic is closed, phone your GP. If your GP is closed, phone 111. In an emergency phone 999.

You should stay at home, avoid close contact with others and get medical help by phone until you're assessed.

What to do if you have mpox and have been told to self-isolate

If you have mpox, your doctor or a health protection specialist will advise you to self-isolate at home. 

You'll have been provided with contact details of a medical team and you should contact them if you have any concerns. Get medical attention quickly if your illness is worsening. In an emergency, phone 999 and tell the call handler or operator that you have mpox infection.