Using crutches

Crutches provide temporary support if you're struggling to balance or need to take weight off of one, or both, of your legs.

They can feel more stable and secure than a walking stick, but less than a walking frame.

Adjusting crutches (

Learn how to setup, adjust and check your crutches

Standing and walking with crutches (

Learn how to sit to stand and walk with crutches

Walking with crutches: Non weight-bearing (

Learn how to walk with non weight-bearing crutches

Walking with crutches: Partial weight-bearing (

Learn how to walk with partial weight-bearing crutches

Walking with crutches: Full weight-bearing (

Learn how to walk with full weight-bearing crutches

Walking with crutches: Stairs using a banister (

Learn how to use crutches and a banister to go up and down stairs

Walking with crutches: Stairs without using a banister (

Learn how to use crutches to go up and down stairs without a banister for support